Bible Resources
Biblical Themes

The Case for Jesus
Author: Brant Pitre
For well over a hundred years now, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming that they were originally anonymous. Others have even argued that Jesus of Nazareth did not think he was God and never claimed to be divine.
In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, the bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, goes back to the sources—the biblical and historical evidence for Christ—in order to answer several key questions, including:
- Were the four Gospels really anonymous?
- Are the Gospels folklore? Or are they biographies?
- Were the four Gospels written too late to be reliable?
- What about the so-called “Lost Gospels,” such as “Q” and the Gospel of Thomas?
- Did Jesus claim to be God?
- Is Jesus divine in all four Gospels? Or only in John?
- Did Jesus fulfill the Jewish prophecies of the Messiah?
- Why was Jesus crucified?
- What is the evidence for the Resurrection?
As The Case for Jesus will show, recent discoveries in New Testament scholarship, as well as neglected evidence from ancient manuscripts and the early church fathers, together have the potential to pull the rug out from under a century of skepticism toward the traditional Gospels. Above all, Pitre shows how the divine claims of Jesus of Nazareth can only be understood by putting them in their ancient Jewish context.
$23.95 Hardback

Faith, the Fount of Exegesis: The Interpretation of Scripture in the Light of the History of Research on the Old Testament
Author: Ignacio Carbajosa
This book is a response to a desire expressed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) who called for a diachronic study of the results of the historical-critical method. The study of the last 150-200 years of biblical research shows how the claim to scientific rigor made in many works, that is, the claim to have obtained results comparable in their certainty to those of the natural sciences, is clearly unrealistic.
This is a comprehensive analysis of the results of almost two centuries of the historical-critical method in two areas: the investigation into the sources of the Pentateuch and the study of the figure of the prophet. It reveals the philosophical and cultural presuppositions which influenced the development of exegesis and it’s most notable hypotheses, demonstrating the world of prejudices which frequently have conditioned the exegesis called “scientific”.
It also engages the characteristic dimensions of the Catholic interpretation of the Old Testament, attempting to unify the two basic dimensions of the exegetical method: history and theology. Overcoming the disconnect between “scientific” exegesis and “believing” theology is one of the great contemporary challenges to the intellectus fidei. This dualism cannot be overcome simply by a call to greater devotion or the generous intention of adding pious commentary to an exegesis which has not, from the beginning, been based on faith.
This book provides a positive contribution to the hermeneutical problem at the heart of current exegetical debate, the status of exegesis, addressing such questions as: Does exegesis have a theological character? Should it have one? If it does have one, would it not then lose its scientific character? Thus, one arrives at the main question: how can one conceive of an exegesis that is at the same time critical and theological? How can faith be the foundation of exegesis from the beginning? Could Faith really be the “Fount of Exegesis”?
$24.95 Paperback
$16.22 eBook

History and Spirit: The Understanding of Scripture According to Origen
Author: Henri De Lubac
Origen (185‒ca. 254), one of the most prolific and influential of the early Church Fathers, is best known to us for his Scripture exegesis. Henri de Lubac’s History and Spirit is a landmark study of Origen’s understanding of Scripture and his exegetical methods. In exploring Origen’s efforts to interpret the four different senses of Scripture, de Lubac leads the reader through an immense and varied work to its center: Christ the Word.
As Hans Urs von Balthasar said in discussing this seminal work: “The theory of the senses of Scripture is not a curiosity of the history of theology but an instrument for seeking out the most profound articulations of salvation history.” (From the book The Theology of Henri de Lubac.)
What the reader finds on this journey is not only, then, a fascinating view of the mind and spirit of an important Father of the Church, but an essential key to a more profound understanding of the way in which Christ speaks to us through Scripture.
$24.95 Paperback
Jesus and the Old Testament Roots of the Priesthood
Author: John Bergsma
Is there anything in the New Testament about the need for priests in the Church? Many Protestants would argue no. And if you point out that there is a priesthood in the Old Testament, they are likely to say it was a feature of the Old Covenant that was undone by Christ. How should a Catholic respond?
In Jesus and the Old Testament Roots of the Priesthood, biblical scholar John Bergsma convinces readers that Jesus did, in fact, intend for a ministerial priesthood to be a key feature of the New Covenant.
Bergsma shows how the priesthood is a major thread holding together the biblical story line—beginning with Adam’s loss of the gift of priesthood in the Fall and the long process of restoring his descendants to a priestly status over the centuries, culminating with Christ.
With chapter summaries and discussion questions included, Jesus and the Old Testament Roots of the Priesthood can readily be adapted into a four-part study for personal or small group use.
$22.95 Paperback

Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
In this bold, momentous work, Joseph Ratzinger—in his first book written since he became Pope—seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent “popular” depictions and to restore Jesus’ true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal conviction as a believer, the Pope shares a rich, compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of Jesus and invites us to encounter, face-to-face, the central figure of the Christian faith.
$19.95 Paperback

Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week – From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, and no myth, revolutionary, or misunderstood prophet, insists Benedict XVI. He thinks that the best of historical scholarship, while it can’t “prove” Jesus is the Son of God, certainly doesn’t disprove it. Indeed, Benedict maintains that the evidence, fairly considered, brings us face-to-face with the challenge of Jesus―a real man who taught and acted in ways that were tantamount to claims of divine authority, claims not easily dismissed as lunacy or deception.
$19.95 Paperback
$12.97 eBook

Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
In the momentous third and final volume in the Pope’s international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series, the Pope focuses exclusively on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life as a child. The root of these stories is the experience of hope found in the birth of Jesus and the affirmations of surrender and service embodied in his parents, Joseph and Mary. This is a story of longing and seeking, as demonstrated by the Magi searching for the redemption offered by the birth of a new king. Ultimately, Jesus’ life and message is a story for today, one that speaks to the restlessness of the human heart searching for the sole truth which alone leads to profound joy.
$20.00 Hardback

Jesus of Nazareth 3 Volume Set
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus of Nazareth 1 and 2 Paperback and Infancy Narratives Hardcover
$47.95 Set

Jesus of Nazareth 1, Jesus of Nazareth 2: Holy Week (Book Combo)
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
$34.95 Paperback Set

Jesus of Nazareth Study Guide, Volume I
Authors: Mark Brumley, Matthew Levering, Laura Dittus, Thomas Harmon
This easy-to-use companion study guide helps the readers who approach Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth without the benefit of extensive theological or biblical training. The goal is not to replace Benedict’s book but to make it more accessible, more fruitful for the average reader—whether lay, religious, priest or deacon.
Designed for individual study or for group/parish discussion, this guide has the following features for each section and chapter of Jesus of Nazareth:
- a reader-friendly summary
- an outline
- a list of key terms
- questions for understanding, reflection, application and discussion
a section for readers to include their personal reflections on the reading
The guide also includes an ample introduction explaining the background for understanding Pope Benedict’s approach and how to use this guide as an easy-to-use glossary that defines important terms and identifies key people discussed in Jesus of Nazareth.
$9.95 Paperback
$6.47 eBook

Jesus of Nazareth Study Guide, Volume II
Authors: Curtis Mitch, Mark Brumley, Laura Dittus
A user-friendly aid for readers of Pope Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, this Study Guide is excellent for individual or group study, for formal class instruction or informal study. Excellent for parish groups, high school programs, college classes, and graduate studies. The Study Guide does not replace Benedict XVI’s book, but it makes it more accessible and beneficial to the average reader-whether lay, religious, or clergy-as well as the knowledgeable student.
The Study Guide includes:
- An outline of Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection
- A convenient chapter-by-chapter summary
- A list of key terms
- Questions for understanding, reflection, application, and discussion
- An easy-to-use glossary of important terms and persons
- A section for readers to include their personal reflections on the reading
$9.95 Paperback
$6.47 eBook

Mary in the Redemption
Author: Adrienne Von Speyr
Adrienne Von Speyr was a convert to Catholicism, a medical doctor, wife, mystic and author of some 70 books on spirituality. In this profound work on Our Lady, Von Speyr explores Mary’s participation with Christ in our redemption, and the unique relationship that each of us should have with our spiritual mother.
$11.95 Paperback
$7.77 eBook

The Mission of the Prophets
Author: Adrienne Von Speyr
Adrienne von Speyr, whom Hans Urs von Balthasar credits with having an incalculable influence on his own writing, examines the mission of thirty-four figures in salvation history, from Abraham, through Moses, David, Elijah, and Isaiah, to the New Testament era and Our Lady. Mission is central to Christian life, and if we are to do justice to what God chooses for us, we can profit from looking at the chosen ones in Scripture and seeing how they accepted their callings and lived out a life of service. Adrienne’s contemplation on these unique missions helps us to open ourselves and respond to the call of God in our own lives.
$9.95 Paperback
$6.47 eBook

Rethinking Mary in the New Testament:
What the Bible Tells Us about the Mother of the Messiah
Author: Edward Sri
Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time?
In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For when the Mother of Jesus does appear in Scripture, it’s often in passages of great importance, steeped in the Jewish Scriptures, and packed with theological significance.
This comprehensive work examines every key New Testament reference to Mary, addressing common questions along the way, such as:
- What was Mary’s life like before the Annunciation?
- Is there biblical support for Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity?
- Does Scripture reveal Mary as our spiritual mother?
- What does it mean for Mary to be “full of grace”?
- How is Mary the “New Eve,” “Ark of the Covenant,” and “Queen Mother”?
- Can Mary be identified with the “woman” in Revelation 12?
Rethinking Mary in the New Testament offers a fresh, in-depth look at the Mother of Jesus in Scripture—one that helps us know Mary better and her role in God’s plan.
$17.95 Paperback
$11.67 eBook

Saint Paul
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
Saint Paul is one of the most important figures in Christian history. As Saul of Tarsus, he vigorously persecuted Christianity, even collaborating in the death of Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Paul’s encounter with the resurrected Jesus on the road to Damascus changed his life, the Church, and the world. More than anyone else in the early Church, Paul saw the universal nature of the Christian message. He became the “Apostle to the Gentiles” and the “Teacher of the Nations”. As the author of half of the New Testament, Paul is a figure who cannot be overlooked by anyone who wants to understand Jesus Christ and Christianity.
In this book, Pope Benedict XVI, a profound spiritual leader and a first-rate theologian and Bible commentator, explores the legacy of Saint Paul. The pope follows the course of the Apostle’s life, including his missionary journeys, his relationships with the other Apostles, and his martyrdom in Rome.
Benedict also examines the following questions: Did Paul know Jesus during his earthly life. How much of Jesus’ teaching and ministry did he know about? Did Paul distort the teachings of Jesus? What role did Jesus’ death and resurrection play in Paul’s teaching? What are we to make of Paul’s teaching about the end of the world? What does his teaching say about salvation and the roles of faith and works in the Christian life? How have modern Catholic and Protestant scholars come together in their understanding of Paul? What does Paul have to teach us today about living a spiritual life?
$16.95 Paperback

The Word of God: Dei Verbum
Catholic Truth Society
The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between October 1962 and December 1965, the largest ever gathering of Catholic bishops answered the call of Pope John XXIII to let some “fresh air” into the Church. Completing the work of an earlier Vatican Council that had been cut short, and in a tradition of ecumenical councils dating back to the time of the Apostles, Vatican II laid the foundations for a renewal that continues. Catholic Truth Society has republished the four major documents of the Council (known as “Constitutions” and named after their opening words in Latin), with brilliant new Introductions by leading churchmen, to encourage continued study of the Council in parishes and elsewhere.
Dei Verbum is the Dogmatic Constitution on the Word of God. It deals with the subject of divine revelation, especially the inspiration and interpretation of Sacred Scripture, and the continuing, vivifying role of Scripture in the life of the Church. Though brief, this beautiful Constitution is full of rich insight and emphasizes the important place of Scripture in every Christian life.
$9.95 Paperback (10 copies per pack)

Lovely Like Jerusalem: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament in Christ and the Church
Author: Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P.
The highly regarded spiritual writer and theologian Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P., presents an overview of the Old Testament by showing what it is and its relationship to the New Testament. He explains that it is essential for one to be familiar with the Old Testament in order to understand properly, and in a deeper way, the richness and message of the New. In particular, Fr. Nichols shows how important it is to grasp that connection in order to understand better and to believe in the message and the person of Christ.
Ignorance of the Old Testament makes it impossible to comprehend the entire divine plan that stretches between the two Testaments. Nichols maintains that we are ill-equipped to read and understand the great theologians, saints, and Scripture commentators of the Christian era without a deep familiarity with the Old Testament. Even understanding and appreciating the art of the Church remains limited if the Old Testament is a closed book for us.
Nichols made use of studies by biblical experts from various Christian denominations, notably Evangelicals and Anglicans, in writing this widely appealing work. He also drew on the Fathers and Doctors of the Church to help illuminate the beauty of the relationship between the two Testaments.